So, what do you need to start a business in the CR?
In the Czech Republic, commercial activities can be conducted by a Self-Employed Individual (Podnikatel) OSVČ or a Company (S.R.O.).
OSVČ (Podnikatel) is an individual who conducts business without establishing a legal entity.
An OSVČ is registered in accordance with the law and bears full responsibility for their activities.
Steps to open an OSVČ
Determine the types of activities
Gather the documents required to open an OSVČ (sole proprietorship)
Submit the documents to the živnostenský úřad
Obtain the výpis z živnostenského rejstříku
Register with:
- Finanční úřad
- Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení
- Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna ČR
Register a Datová schránka at the post office
Open a podnikatelský account in a bank
Find a good accountant and lawyer for smooth business operations
Documents for opening an OSVČ
A certificate of no criminal record from your country of citizenship, translated into Czech and certified by a court translator.
Souhlas s umístěním sídla (Consent for the registered address of the OSVČ).
Selection of activities (include a link to the official website where types of activities can be reviewed).
Passport, international passport, and proof of your legal stay in the Czech Republic, or a Czech work card (if you are from another country) or a Czech ID (občanka) if you have permanent residence or Czech citizenship.
State fee of 1000 CZK.
A contract from your main place of employment if the OSVČ is a secondary activity (vedlejší činnost).
A document confirming the right to carry out a licensed business activity (required only if the selected activity is regulated).
Steps to open an S.R.O.
Prepare documents (passport, international passport).
Choose a company name: check its uniqueness in the online registry.
Define business activities: specify them using CZ-NACE codes.
Appoint a director: this can be either a resident or a non-resident of the Czech Republic.
Draft the founding agreement (it will contain the main information about your company).
Notarize the agreement (this is a mandatory procedure).
Register the company with the Commercial Court:
- Submit the notarized agreement and other documents to the nearest Commercial Court.
- Pay the registration fee.
- Obtain a registration certificate (it will confirm your company’s status).
Register the company with the živnostenský úřad:
- Register as a sole trader (this is required for certain types of activities).
- Pay the registration fee.
- Obtain the živnostenský list (it is the equivalent of a sole proprietorship in the Czech Republic).
Pay the state fee:
- Pay all required fees for company registration.
- Keep the receipts (they may be useful in the future).
Open a company account in a bank.
Deposit the share capital; the minimum amount is 1 Czech crown.
Documents for opening an S.R.O.
International passport and proof of your legal stay in the Czech Republic or a Czech work card (if you are a foreign resident), or a Czech ID (občanka) if you have permanent residency or Czech citizenship.
A certificate of no criminal record from your country of citizenship, translated and certified in Czech (for the company director). In some cases, a Czech criminal record extract may also be required.
Distribution of shares in percentages among the company founders (if there are 2 or more founders).
Selection and appointment of the company director.
Choosing a company name.
Defining the scope of the company’s activities.
Establishment of share capital (can be as low as 1 CZK).
A document confirming the right to conduct licensed business activities (required only if the chosen activity is regulated).
Souhlas s umístěním sídla (Registered address of the S.R.O.).
It is important to note that when opening an S.R.O., the corporate income tax is 19%.
If the company’s annual turnover exceeds 2 million CZK, it becomes a plátce DPH (VAT payer) at a rate of 21%.
Congratulations! You have successfully registered your company in the Czech Republic! This process may take several weeks. If needed, you can seek assistance from our specialists.
Ready to start a business in the CR?
Book a consultation — we’ll guide you through every step, from business registration to accounting support