Business registration / services
Do you want to start a business in the Czech Republic?
We will help you go through all stages of registration without unnecessary costs and hassle. Our team will provide you with full support at all stages of registration and further activities of your company.
FINERES has more than 3,244 brand advocates, with virtually every one of our clients coming by recommendation.
We are chosen because we offer a comprehensive, optimal solution for your business, a full range of registration and support services. Our specialists have many years of experience in the Czech market. We guarantee timely completion of all work.
You can read about how to open a business in the Czech Republic in this article.
Our services
- Ltd (s.r.o.)
- Joint Stock Companies (a.s.)
- Other organizational and legal forms
Quick and easy registration procedure
Change of address, founders, name, etc.
Full support of the liquidation procedure
Obtaining all necessary permits to carry out foreign trade activities
Obtaining licenses for various types of activities
FINERES is a team of professional accountants ready to help you no matter the size of your company or the complexity of your tasks, we offer a wide range of services including bookkeeping, tax accounting, human resources accounting and more
Our professionals have extensive experience working with a variety of industries and types of businesses, allowing us to offer our clients customized and effective solutions. We are committed to excellence in customer service, ensuring accuracy, reliability and confidentiality in every task we undertake.
Contact us today to find out how we can help your business thrive and reach new heights in financial management!
Advantages of registering a business in the Czech Republic
Stable economy
The Czech Republic is one of the most stable economies in the European Union
Favorable geographical position
The country is located in the center of Europe and has a well-developed transport infrastructure
EU membership
Access to the single European market
High standard of living
The Czech Republic is attractive for living and doing business
Make an appointment for a consultation
Learn how to do your bookkeeping efficiently and safely without hassle